COVID-19 public health actions

Tonight's update to the Provincial mandates has required PWPSD to change its relaunch document, which will be updated shortly.
Effective tomorrow, Thursday, September 16, the following will be required at all PWPSD schools.
Schools (K-12):
• Mandatory masking for students in grades 4 and up, and staff and teachers in all grades. Schools that are able to implement an alternate COVID safety plan may be exempt from mandatory masking.
• Elementary schools are to implement class cohorting
• For physical activities in schools:
o Youth aged 18 and under are not required to mask or maintain a two-metre distance when engaged in physical activity.
o There are no restrictions on outdoor activities.
o Indoor sports/performance/recreation/special interests are permitted with requirements for two-metre physical distancing, where possible.
Children’s sport/performance/recreation (extracurricular sports, performance, recreation and special interest):
• Indoor activities are permitted, with requirements for two-metre physical distancing and masking where possible, and symptom screening for participants.
• Youth aged 18 and under are not required to mask or maintain physical distancing during a physical activity, such as a team sport.
• Spectator attendance is limited to one-third of the fire code capacity. Attendees must be masked and ensure physical distancing between different households or an individual who lives alone and their two close contacts.
• There are no restrictions on outdoor activities.
Visit the Alberta government's COVID-19 webpage for more information: